"Audit Master Pro" – Patented Solutions for Building Infectious Disease Control & Optimal HVAC Energy Efficiency - LEARN MORE


Subscription Convenienience for Mechanical Contractors, Professional Engineering firms, Test and Balance Contractors, Energy Contractors, Commissioning Contractors and Others.

Testing and Balancing proprietary process and software Online training is offered as part of the Test & Balance Technician Subscription.

Energy proprietary process and software Online training is offered as part of the Energy Technician Subscription.
Energy proprietary process and software Live training is offered as part of the Energy Technician Subscription.

Options without cost

  • Company Data / Profile / User Preferences
  • Satellite Company Administration
  • Company Administration Users
  • Technicians Administration
  • Your Buildings Database
  • Regular Projects Database (manage project’s studies: add, edit, complete)
  • Test Equipment Database
  • History (Auditors/Technicians, Projects, Studies, Users access)
  • Secured Elavon Wallet (credit cards) administration and wallet history
  • Cart
  • Administration Storage
  • Your Projects Team Members Database
  • PDF Downloads
  • Glossary
  • AMP Emergency Support Tickets
  • Suggestion Bank
  • Personnel: Daily Log, Time Card, Project Estimated Time
  • Instantly Developed & AMP; Data logging Change Orders with documented chain of command
  • Instant & AMP; Documented Memorandum of Understanding

Options with cost

  • AMP Certified and Patented Process Testing & Balancing Technician Certification & Registration
    ($ 1,390.00 USD)
  • AMP Energy Auditor / Infectious Building Control Patented Process Certification & Registration
    ($ 4,490.00 USD)
  • Air and Hydronic Test & Balance Project Completion which includes a detailed and developed report identifying your company as the reporting agency using AMP patent processes and algorithms formatted internal to your final report
    ($ 475.00 USD)
  • HVAC Individual System Energy Study Project Completion which includes a detailed and developed report identifying your company as the reporting agency using AMP patent processes and algorithms formatted internal to your final report
    ($ 750.00 USD)
  • Energy & Infectious Control HVAC System Study Project Completion which includes a detailed and developed report identifying your company as the reporting agency using AMP patent processes and algorithms formatted internal to your final report
    ($ 1,250.00)

Software operation requires the cloud software be opened through Google Chrome, Safari, Edge or Firefox browsers