This white paper explains the incorporation of cloud computing software, audit masters architecture and time-step enthalpy testing.
Cloud computing software’s base enables Audit Master Pro program to simplify HVAC (Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning) operational performance analysis and has become the prescriptive measure to ensure energy conservation measures (ECM’s) are done properly, methodically, while ensuring results are consistent and accurate.
Audit master software’s architecture, which provides results in SI or IP formats uses proprietary and patented HVAC system time stepped enthalpy testing methodologies and structures to ensure tested results are accurate and repeatable.
Utilizing audit master software is not only used for developing baseline system performance, audit master software also provides immediate results for system comparisons after any ECM’s are performed. The current and standard means for validating ECM’s require the comparison of historical utility data, which caries hidden or unrealized errors, based on the fact that when comparing historic with current climatic conditions, comparing this differential data over time immediately skews the end results, which then provides post testing energy reports that are extremely inaccurate.
When comparing ECM’s, local degree-days need to be considered along with historic facility scheduling. Facility scheduling is controlled through utilizing “bin temperatures and hours”, when you properly combine accurate climatic bin temperatures and schedules with degree-days, real time as compared to historic energy data and utility savings can then be compared with a higher degree of accuracy.
This white paper discuses a proprietary process utilizing time stepped enthalpy methodologies, which are computed through audit master software’s architecture to provide real-time comparison of energy transfer and savings. Audit master software enables the energy auditors, technicians and end customers to immediately understand and realize HVAC heat transfer performance and their results in terms of as found and then compared to each other after any ECM’s are performed. The results are projected in real time BTU transfer improvements via heat transfer and also shown in terms of operational BTU’s per square foot, watts per square foot, dollars per square foot to name a few.